Sewing with Friends

September 2nd 2013

Jen Wrote:

Yippee! I can’t wait to see you when I don’t have to worry about the cub tearing apart your house or boring Big Abby to tears  🙂

I’m guessing that it’ll be somewhere between 12:45-1:15 that I can be over to your house, depending on when and how easily she goes down for a nap…I’ll give you updates on the process as it unfolds…I know, fascinating!

I’m bringing some stuff and will leave it there for future times, then we’ll always have ’em  there.  The down side is that your neat, newly reorganized sewing shelves will be stuffed with more fabric. Ah, a small price to pay, no?  All in the name of sewing adventures!

So I’m bringing Abby’s finished blanket to show you (haven’t finished de-linting it yet, and MANY thanks for loaning me your whirlwind linty machine…that thing sounds like a beast and could probably shave your legs but I promise I won’t try it…or if I do, I won’t tell you about it).


  I’m also bringing to add to your stash the jersey prints for fun jammie pants.  I’m gonna bring my machine and its bag of tricks and when I got the indoor/ outdoor fabric for our matchy match grocery totes, I got some denim needles….do you want one?  I wasn’t sure if you had any.  I’ll bring those suckers, and of course, the beautiful quilt-as-you-go fabric that you gave me as an awesome gift (fabric I look at all the time because it’s so beautiful and has such depth in the colors).  Shall I bring a cutting board and rotary cutter so we can work at the same time, Sewing Mistress?  Let  me know, and I can’t wait !


We’re off to the beach early before nap time and before the throngs of people show up.

Glad you’re feeling better and I actually have some menopause questions for you that you may know answers to….I feel like it was only yesterday when I was skipping through life thinking old age and menopause were hundreds of years away, and now…ugh.

and let me know if I can bring anything in the way of snackies,


Nicole Replied:

Hey Jen

Ok sounds good you don’t need to bring anything I’m going to make our cocktails and since your hubby is off after we play for a while maybe he can drop by with cubby for a drink and burgers do you want to have supper here? I can make burgers and hotdogs on the barbecue? And finally meet your hubby!! Yay for me😃

IMG_1277(Here is my recipe for the whiskey sours)

I’ll have some sort of snack for us while we sew too! I have it all covered. I’m going to pick up some backing material and batting for our placemats this morning at Joannes.

I’m super stoked this morning!! See you this afternoon mon ami

Jen Replied:

Thank goodness for you  and our delightful sewing, laughing, scooby snackin’ fests…if it weren’t for you and our fun time today, I’d be in a HORRIBLE mood, but I’m not!!  It sounds like Heaven to me to be over for dinner (and Cubby asks me all the time if we can have dinner at your house, which I think is so funny since dinner has never been a favorite highlight of her day–oh wait…maybe that’s why!)

I’ll email you when Cubby goes down and I’m pushing lunch a little early so I can see my awesome Nicole sooner.  Let me know how much I owe you for batting, etc and if you decide not to tell me, I’ll just sneak $$ into your sewing fabric stash and that would be fine, too.  Speaking of not telling me stuff, birthday date, hmmmm, missy mae???

see you soon!


After our great afternoon sewing…..

Jen brought over her IPA holiday beer to share with me! Yum

Jen Wrote:

Thank you for an AWESOME afternoon, and again my apologies on tonight…I came home Abby was crying and hot.  We’ll shoot for another time when Abby’s better but thank you, thank you, thank you….you went through a lot of effort for me with sewing and for us with thoughts of us staying for dinner, and I really appreciate it all.  I’m sorry it didn’t pan out for today.

BUT, selfishly speaking I had so much fun today!  The whiskey sours, sewing, and most of the all the company…what a perfect afternoon.  🙂

more soon,


Easy Fast Whiskey Sour

Ok so if you don’t have fresh lemons and limes on hand here is an easy peasy version

Fast Whiskey Sours

  • Servings: 4-6
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Print


1 can of frozen limeade

1 can of frozen lemonade

use the empty can for the rest of the ingredients to measure

2 can of whiskey

2 cans of water

lots of crushed ice

Ok again all ingredients into a pitcher stir well and serve in cocktail glass with a maraschino cherry!

Homemade Whiskey Sours

This is my absolute favorite cocktail the elbow grease that’s involved in hand squeezing 20 lemons and limes is so totally worth it.

Ok here it goes after you try this you just may want to buy a juicer it’s that yummy!



  • 1 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice


  • 1 cup of freshly squeezed lime juice


  • 1 3/4 -2 cups of whiskey……… (I use Canadian whiskey because I’m Canadian and that’s how I roll)


  • 2 cups of simple syrup (recipe to follow)


  • 2 cups of crushed ice



Alright now take a big pitcher and add  all ingredients to the pitcher, stir well and enjoy!


Please note I love more of a sour flavor if you like it sweeter than add more sugar when making the simple syrup.

I serve this with a maraschino cherry in the glass also a splash of the cherry juice makes the drink very pretty to look at.

IMG_1273IMG_1275  IMG_1277

Cheers and share with a friend!!

Marcella is sporting her fleece coat she is making while sipping something fabulous 🙂
Simple Syrup
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 1/2-1 2/3 cup of sugar


Pour in a sauce pan and bring to a boil till sugar dissolves. Let cool. May store in fridge for 3 weeks.

Homemade Whiskey Sours

  • Servings: 6
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Print


  • 1 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 cup of freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1 3/4 cups of whiskey
  • 2 cups of simple syrup
  • 2 cups of crushed ice


Alright now take a big pitcher and add  all ingredients to the pitcher, stir well and enjoy!

Simple Syrup
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 1/2-1 2/3 cup of sugar

Pour in a sauce pan and bring to a boil till sugar dissolves. Let cool. May store in fridge for 3 weeks.