What’s on Your Sewing Table?

Thought I would share with you guys what I am currently working on.

I finally finished all those log cabin squares!!! Yay. I squared off all of them to 7.5X7.5 and now I am starting to sew the rows together 🙂

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I have to run out to Jo Anne’s to get some batting for this wall hanging I am making my best friend Jennifer who is struggling with MS. I am sending her this wall hanging once complete, with some other trinkets all wrapped up in smiles, hugs and love.

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My faithful furry friend is with me always, whether I am at the computer blogging, in the kitchen cooking or at the sewing machine lol 🙂


The problem with 15 year old UFO’s

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I finished one more row of my quilted squares for my autumn quilt/duvet cover. As I was putting together the pieces I was reflecting on how much I have learned since I first started this quilt. For instance in the beginning I would do one square at a time instead of chain quilting all pieces together through all the steps. I never knew about “squaring up” your pieces as you go along. Well……

Yikes!!!!! It shows…..HELP…. now what?????? My previous squares are all aprox 1/4 inch off because I was not as precise back then with my seam allowance not to mention they are so wonky that it looks like I was drunk sewing lol. Seriously pitiful squares and before I made this new row I never even noticed that too much was wrong with them. Wow!!

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They are all suppose to be 8X8 they don’t even lie flat!!

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These brown and green ones lie flat and are perfectly 8X8

So my feelings when I found out about this initially was “oh shit!! and wow I suck at this”, “I can’t believe I could F up sewing straight lines”, and “I have learned a lot since I started to sew”. My next thought was wow maybe I still really suck and in another 15 years I will look back at things I made and cringe as I am now!

Any ideas? Please don’t say to rip all the squares out and redo them ahhhhhhhh!, Should I cut the new squares smaller to compensate or try to sew the old ones with 1/8 seam allowance to make them fit the new ones??? The squares that are very wavy and don’t lie flat I am willing to rip out and redo I showed you the worst ones I can find.

So thoughts please 🙂



Church Quilt

As promised I am sharing pictures of the lovely quilt my lovely mother made for her church. If you haven’t seen my post I shared a while back, she made the panels of text on my embroidery machine. She bought a lot of the fabric she used for the lighthouse scene here while visiting with me. I love how she fussy cut the swirly fabric for the water 🙂 The birds are 3-D how cool.

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These last 3 photos are the quilt completed with binding

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My Current Projects

My kids have been off for a whole week and the week before that I was spring cleaning and reorganizing our house I feel like its been months since I have sat in front of the sewing machine and I miss it!

As it turns out my 4 month old best friend Dream Weaver decided to stop self threading for me!! Also the embroidery is acting a bit strange too so she is in the shop.  I can’t believe with the expense this thing was there is already something wrong with it???WTH!!!!

That is not the best part….so I bring it in and he starts talking about 300 bucks for labor to fix the F’n thing that cost me Thousands of dollars. NOT A GOOD IDEA !! You just don’t want to piss off a french woman that is all I got to say. So I can feel my face turning red as the anger creeps to the surface and then he told me that my sewing machine is covered for the 1st year for labor but I should buy his $650 dollar plan that will give me 4 more years of everything being covered!! Wow my best friend is getting to be such an elitist I don’t know if I can afford her anymore!!

I have had my Brother 350SE sewing/embroidery machine for 5 years and not once has she let me down!! I never ever needed to bring it in and she has been rode hard.

If I get any other machines in the future I will be buying an industrial sewing machine that just does the simplest thing———-straight stitch

Ok so now that I am done my rant this is what I have been up too.

Remember this:

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Well I finally got around to completing this last panel I had to make bias tube for the sash and I added my crystals. If you missed my previous posts on my multimedia wall hangings you can find them here and here. Today I am going to bring all 3 panels to Michaels to get strung for hanging.

Now this project that I desperately need to get down is for my older brother.  It is going to be a wall hanging. So far I have sandwiched my top quilt, batting, and backing together and I used safety pins to secure it really well to prepare for quilting. I think I am just going to outline the boxed text that is already there. I don’t want to distract from the lovely scriptures and quotes.

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I plan to use some crystals on this to highlight certain areas I have a beautiful brown backing and binding for this quilt as well as I am going to put tassels on the bottom corners. More pics to come as I progress with this quilted wall hanging.

I am off to do some cooking and baking in preparation for our passover meal. Recipes to come your way. Have a great week.

Sewing with Mom

So I thought I would share with you some pics of what I was working on with my mom during my parents visit to see me.

My mom’s next great quilt is one for her church in Espanola, Ontario.  Here is some fabric she bought for the quilt. The Church group is called “The Lighthouse” and she plans to appliqué a lighthouse with the water, sky etc. She embroidered a lot of panels that will be blocks in the quilt. Here are some of her ideas and fabrics:

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She is going to use the rocks as part of the appliquéd lighthouse and fussy cut the rocks for the scene.

Remember my faux suede projects? Well I had a lot of fabric left over and my mom has never used it before so she made my niece a jacket, scarf and hat:

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I also finished our jeans and with the whole teal theme we had going on we did a mani/pedi in such colors!

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I’d say we got a lot of sewing done in a short amount of time. What do you think?