Drafting a Cowl


So I have taken my bodice sloper and made a knit sloper from it. I used some old knits to try as a muslin and was happy with the fit of the knit bodice. So I placed that on tag for future t-shirts.

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I worked through the lesson for drafting a cowl neck from my bodice sloper.  My first mock-up was pretty good but the shoulder seams were too far back by 1 inch.  I lowered the front shoulder seams and dropped my armhole a bit to make up for the 1 inch I took off in the shoulder and cut the changes straight away from the same mock-up knit fabric that is a lovely polka dot brown.

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This seemed to work out quite nicely. I proceeded to turn under the armhole edges and sewed them with a small hem using a stretch stitch.

For the hem on the bottom I used some steam a seam to hold the hem in place I turned it up 3/4 inch. I proceeded to try out my twin needle for the first time. I loved the results!


My Juki can be set up for a coverstitch but it is such a hassle that I would rather use the twin needle.  If I sew lots of knits in the future I think it would be worth investing in a coverstitch machine.  Switching back and forth to serging takes such a long time. I did however serg my side seams in a pretty blue…..because that was the thread still in there from my skirt project 🙂


Overall I am very pleased with this pattern, there is a facing in the front and back so the neckline is just a soft fold over and it stays tucked in quite well, I made the facing 4 inches long in the front and 3 in the back.  I may try a double cowl for a more dressy top in the future or better yet extend my side seams down and make it a dress 🙂

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The next thing I would like to tackle is following along with the course and practicing more dart manipulation but in a woven…..looks like I have to break out the muslin again 😉

Check this out!  The El Nino’s is moving through the pacific ocean in South California and the tuna is coming close to shore. This has brought 1000’s of bright red crabs that have got caught in the surf and washed up on shore  😦 Such is the cycle of nature. They where last seen on the shores in 1997.  Along with the crabs, and tuna come the great white sharks too! So I will not be swimming in there any time soon!

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Airy knitting with Cotton Gima


I started this A-line tank with a sweet cowl neck AGES AGO!! It is sad to say but the whole thing has been finished 2 years ago minus sewing the shoulder seams and blocking it! So here is the pattern:


I love knitting things that have an airy, ethereal quality too them. This yarn is from Habu Textiles and it is 100% cotton gima.


I put this on my dress form so you can get the idea of what it will look like. I am determined to sew up these shoulder seams and block it today, I hope.


This a near seamless pattern it is knitted in the round till you get to the arm holes then you finish each side with stockinette st. It worked up fast and is a simple enjoyable pattern.
