Sewing Tips and Tidbits


I bought some of this thread on

The latest course I am taking introduced this product to me and I never knew it existed!!

Why would you want your stitches to dissolve you ask……BASTING!! Brilliant right!

You use this thread in your bobbin and needle for basting up your muslin.  Does anyone out there make the perfect first muslin that you don’t need to unpick? I say NO!   If you do, PLEASE tell me your secret! When you need to get rid of the basting stitches take your iron and plenty of steam and iron them away. This thread will only work with material that you can use steam on. You can always do a test on a piece of scrap 🙂

I can’t wait to try this product out! I am working on a new muslin now with the design elements I chose.  I decided on a faux low rise waistband with fly front, pockets and a boot cut fit.

Here is my new pattern sloper taken from my block pattern and altered from hip to hem for leg design.


I copied the front pocket design from a pair of my jeans using wax paper.  Another great trick I learned from this course. You just take your finger nail and scrape center front, side seam, waist seam and your pocket. Then trace over in a sharpie and apply to your sloper!


You can use this to trace any sort of design from RTW.  I may start bringing rolls of wax paper with me when I try on clothes at the store  😉

One more tip. I wish I would have known this tip when I took Angela Wolf’s class on making jeans. If you don’t have a template for the fly use a spool of thread to get the curve of the fly. In my case you can also use it too get the curve of the fly front during the drafting stage.


Happy Sewing!