As Good As It Gets

Ok after 2 months of tweaking and tweaking I surrender!! This is as good as it gets folks!

I am done my bodice sloper!! Yay I can finally move on and start practicing dart manipulation.

Last week I was so mad at myself because I went to pull out my moulage and compare the back moulage to the sloper guess what???? Its missing in action!!!!!! I think I accidentally threw it out. Son of a #@%%@@ I would basically have to start over again. So I did my best with what I had and decided to keep tweaking. Here is my sloper on tag:


See how neat and organized I am! I have all the measurements noted  (as neat as I can in my left-handed chicken scratches lol)

And some pics of me wearing the muslin sloper:


So I have one more piece of fabric I bought to make a skirt. I have drafted 2 long skirts that I love the shape but unfortunately I need 60 inch fabric for those two designs.  So I am on my 3rd drafted skirt and will be trying out the design in muslin soon.

I started off in sewing by quilting and for the longest time would use quilting cottons for clothes for my daughter so now that I am starting to make myself clothes I am so “fiber inexperienced”.  What sort of fabric would you use for a circle skirt? Both my other designs take a lot of fabric and they both are on the bias. I have never made anything on the bias before and I am excited to give these skirts a try.  Any suggestions on fabric type? There is a gazillion different types out there lol.

6 thoughts on “As Good As It Gets

  1. Gah! I replied and then lost it! Hopefully I am not repeating myself now! I just want to say Good on you! for mastering something so challenging. I would find fitting my bodice, with all my bumps and curves to be equal to going to the dentist! and yet I persevere (with both the bodice and the dentist). I am sure with every top and skirt you make now things will just get easier and more creative for you! Congratulations! (I have watched the pants fitting course about four times now? I have yet to take the plunge … I keep getting distracted by “shiney” things!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes fitting the bodice for a curvy woman like myself is super challenging and that is why it has taken forever but sooner than later or maybe in my case”later than sooner” I realized that it is the best I can do until I get better at this stuff I guess. I think it still looks pretty good and will be a better fit than starting from a regular pattern.

      Yes the pant course I can’t wait for but I won’t get to that for quite some time I want to take all the other courses related to the bodice: sleeve course, dart manipulation, creative necklines etc. I have made myself quite a few pair of pants that I am very happy with but tops are a different story and I don’t have many of those that fit nicely.

      I can’t wait to see your journey through her pant sloper course!!

      Thanks for commenting Linda you are kind and encouraging xo


  2. hi! i am doing the same course and i had the same problem with my back, can you please tell me what did you do exactcly to fit it so good? redraft the whole thing with just shortened back or there is some other additional changes?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Nina 🙂 Yes I did a sway back adjustment in order to get rid of the excess fabric. I had to take out a good inch in order to get the smooth perfect back. This of course as you know will put your center back off a straight line. I have also taken the course “sew the perfect fit” through craftsy so I could learn how to do various adjustments. Linda does a sway back adjustment in this course and she basically straightens out the center back and shaves off the difference on the side seam. If you would like me to draw a picture of this I would be happy to do so just let me know! Happy Sewing


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