Faux Fur Vests

I have been finished this project for a while now but haven’t had a chance to blog about it! My kids have been off school for a week for Thanksgiving.

Ok I took a vest pattern I had lying around and tissue fitted it on my mannequin. I also changed the design from a princess seam to one flat panel.

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I made a muslin and tweaked some alterations. Turns out I need a sway back adjustment and that took care of the horizontal wrinkles I was having.


I lined my faux fur with some satin fabric and sewed it all the way around leaving two areas open for turning. I pressed it carefully low setting, no steam  with a pressing cloth and hand stitched the openings shut.

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I also made one for my daughter Abby so we can be twinky twins.

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“Frozen Movie” Cookies


I used to do a lot of cake and cookie decorating with my best friend Jennifer from Pittsburgh. I recently started taking a mini course on cookie decorating and learned all sorts of cool and crazy things.

One of the things I thought was so nifty was that you can stamp a cookie with a regular stamp and food coloring as a decoration.  Coolio, how come I didn’t think of that!! So it got me thinking about winter theme cookies and snowflakes which lead me to think about trying out this stamping-cookie-thing so voila……

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I also tried my hand at brush embroidery, these are a bit quirky, but it is my first attempt 🙂

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Alright so how to make these stamped cookies…..

You will need….

  • baked cookies in any shape you’d like I made sugar cookies with a bit of lemon zest thrown in to make them extra yummy.
  • regular stamps (brand new never used, you will be using food safe dye for your “ink”
  • uninked ink pad if you can find it! (I couldn’t find any so I bought a small hand-held one that was never inked)
  • Wilton or other brand food coloring
  • brand new palette for your food coloring
  • royal icing if you so desire a border to make it extra fancy
  • I used shimmery type edible flakes to add some glimmer to the snowflake
  • flood icing

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Take your baked cookie and apply the flood icing. This needs to dry solid (overnight) or when you go to stamp your cookie the icing will crack and depress where it is not yet dry. Trust me I was impatient and tried it. Wait 24 hours to be safe.

Next you will add your food coloring to your palette and add a bit of clear vanilla extract or vodka. Mix well with toothpick. Dab your paintbrush or sponge into “ink” (AKA food coloring) blot your stamp with the color, I suggest you try it on some plain paper first to make sure you have the consistency of the color just right 😉

Once this dries you can add a border as I did, more piping for 3 -D affect and sprinkle on some of the glittery shavings




I’m delighted to be nominated..


I am very excited to get nominated for one lovely blog award 🙂 Thank you Linda from nice dress, Thanks I made it!

Please check out Linda’s blog where she whips up lovely articles, with great sewing tips.

One lovely blog award is a recognition bloggers give one another. Here are the rules:

1.  Thank and link back to the blogger who nominated you.

2.  Follow the blogger who nominated you.

3.  List the rules and display the award.

4.  List seven facts about yourself.

5.  Nominate your own Top Ten Bloggers (let them know on their “About” page).

Ok here are seven facts about myself:

  • I was born in Northern Canada where the winters can reach  -40 and enjoyed all the winter fun that came with it. Ice fishing, ski do-ing, skiing, skating, building snow forts etc.
  • My guilty pleasure is dark chocolate and whiskey sours ….just not at the same time.
  • I have enough fabric to open a small store (wink, wink)
  • I love sci-fi movies and tv shows.
  • I fell in love with sewing through quilting with my mother.
  • My husband taught me how to knit.
  • I received a fondue set for my birthday when I was a teenager and it started a life long interest in food and cooking.

My top ten nominations are:

  1. The Traveling Pantry
  2. The Culinary Chronicles
  3. Cup and Penny
  4. Bird and Bicycle
  5. Bourbon and Blueberries
  6. Thimberlina
  7. Modern Vintage Cupcakes
  8. Cari Homemaker
  9. Seamstress from Venus
  10. Bon Courage

Check out these blogs they are a great source of inspiration, and good reads!