Craftsy Baking and More Cookie Fun

I have signed up to a few pastry courses through

This teacher is amazing and gives you the whys for certain techniques.  I love to know the whys!! I was that kind of kid…but why? Why? lol Check out her two courses here and here. Thank you Colette Christian 🙂

I took some pics of the pear tart I made, that is a recipe in the french pastry course. What do you guys think?

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The pears are cooked in red wine with various spices. It smelled amazing in my house. The custard it is baked in is an almond cream. Yum!

Ok onto a few cute pics from my cookie decorating obsession I have lately. lol

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Did anyone else sign up for Craftsy courses in their black friday sale? I bought a few sewing courses as well. Sigh….so much to learn such little time.

Have a great weekend everyone!


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