Father-Daughter trip in Vegas


I have been away from my website for a week because I brought my dad for a trip to Vegas.  I have been planning this for a while and when my parents came for their trip to visit this year I booked four days for some special father-daughter time.

A few years ago I had a special mother-daughter trip and brought my mom on a cruise with me. It was wonderful and I am so blessed that I have this opportunity to have these wonderful moments with my dearly loved parents.

So my father and I stayed at the Monte Carlo. I brought my dad to Mead Lake and the Hoover Dam we also did the tour.  Of course we walked the strip to see the wonderful street sites.  

In the evening we went up the Paris Eiffel tower and took some pics of the gorgeous lights.  We dined at some great restaurants, and watched the Mystere  Cirque de Soleil show.

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This was a 3 d “painting” picture done with plants!!

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I missed my blogging friends  and will be back on track shortly.  I am sad that my parents visit is coming to an end. I was able to do a lot of sewing with my mom as well and have great posts to share with you regarding those projects.  Also more yummy recipes coming soon!!

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