Shut the Front Door

August 1st 2013

Nicole Wrote:

We stopped at San Luis Obispo to eat and sleep.

Well let me tell you this town has some very old fashion charm. It is one of the oldest towns in California. This craft and fabric store is HUMONGOUS !!!!! I had to wipe the drool off my chin many times!! Lol ok my gosh we should do a girls trip over a weekend to come here its awesome!!

I’m going back to the store tomorrow to buy stuff!! I’m psyched!!

I will take more pictures of the store tomorrow !!

PS: This is not the only fabric store in this little town.  Shut the front door right?!!

Love ya


Jen Responded:

Shut the front door is right!! AH! We must make a girl’s trip there indeed, and I might have to drive up there, break into the store, and fall asleep on that big delicious pile of heaven. Unbelievable.

 I hope you’re both having an awesome, relaxing time. Do email pictures  tomorrow of the treasures you get….can you see how green I am over your phone?!

Nicole Wrote:

Ok every Thursday in this cute town they have a farmers market,  all sorts of goodies!!

We went into a restaurant and around 9:30 when we were leaving there were  a TON of crazy bicyclists hooting and hollering down the road half-naked or dressed all crazy not sure what the hell is going on but after a few drinks I’m digging the vibe of this town!

Lol Peter wants to move here FYI ! I told him no way I have great friends and I  don’t want to move.

PS: We met an Italian soprano that sang for the pope in 11 different languages!!

Lol seriously I’m not making this stuff up!! Crazy night.

Love Nicole


Jen Responded:

It sounds like an alternate or parallel universe! No way are you allowed to move, but hmmmm….if you did, I’d go too.

Peter and Ingmar could go crazy nuts on their bikes and we would be wading through sewing projects with butt loads of awesome fabrics. Sign me up!

Here are the fabrics I bought at the fabric store:

IMG_1124This print is adorable and I love the mustard yellow color of the tape fabric, it  brings out that same color in the sewing machines. I am in desperate need of a cover for my sewing machine and serger. This is what I am going to make 🙂

IMG_1125I love to cook!! Isn’t this the cutest apron. My second favorite thing about this apron are the polka dots! I LOVE POLKA DOTS!! I am going to line this apron with the red polka dot material.

IMG_1126These panels are  so pretty I love vintage things. The dress forms are adorable. As soon as I saw this I knew I was going to use them for something other than sewing. I bought some stretched canvas’ and I am going to do a multi media wall hanging, I will add texture, and other fabrics.  I think it will be super cool.

IMG_1127 IMG_1128Here is the matching  culinary  print for the apron. I bought tea towels and will put the strip of cook books on the end of the tea towels for an accent to match my placemats which I am going to back with POLKA DOTS of course.

IMG_1129 I love batiks and I have a “quilt as you go” plan for these beauties.

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